An eyebrow for a mustache? You might get some laughs from my post at Next Avenue, a PBS outlet, about my four decades with a furry lip.
Did you have “second parents” as a child? Or maybe you are one now? You might enjoy my post at City Dads Group about the lifelong impact second parents can have on children.
Feeling pessimistic? You might benefit from my post at Next Avenue, a PBS outlet, about my late father’s “legacy of optimism.”
After seeing my wife’s 1970s school pamphlet, this former stay-at-home dad had to write a Thank You note to feminism. You might enjoy my post at Newsweek.
Look much older (or younger) than your mate? If so, humor helps! You might get some laughs from “Aging for Two,” my essay at Next Avenue, a PBS outlet.
Ever sleep all night next to a roaring vacuum? My post at Business Insider describes the ridiculous ways my wife and I coped with our firstborn’s colic many years ago.
You might get some laughs from my post at Business Insider about raising (and potty training) very young kids in very old homes!
How is parenting like riding a tandem bike? And being a good narrator? Find out at my post at Business Insider.
“What the children cannot possibly remember, the parents cannot possibly forget.” You might enjoy my post at Business Insider about being the only dad at my child’s Early Childhood PTA years ago.
“Big kids, big problems?” No! How to thrive (rather than just survive) while raising teens. See my post at City Dads Group.
How can dads help teen daughters have “cover letter” confidence? See my post at City Dads Group.
You might enjoy the parenting wisdom that several stars of Crip Camp, an Oscar-nominated documentary about the history of the disability rights movement, share in their books. I explore their ideas at City Dads Group.
Got daughters? It was my pleasure to interview Marisa Porges, Ph.D., author of What Girls Need: How to Raise Bold, Courageous, and Resilient Women. Porges is a fighter pilot and counterterrorism expert turned all-girls school leader. The episode with Porges at the Modern Dads Podcast at City Dads Group is packed with tips and wisdom.
Worried about how daughters will face the reduced-but-still-entrenched sexism of the world outside your home? My post at City Dads Group explores ways that parents can help children develop strong, confident voices.
How to pass the time in a pandemic? I explore the surprising history of “standardized time” in “The Luxury of Boredom: What is Time, Anyway?” at Raw Data: Living in the Fallout from the Coronavirus.
At City Dads Group, I reveal what I learned about motherhood from being a stay-at-home “Girl Dad.”
Having trouble with your little one’s transition to preschool or daycare? My family was honored to appear in this post at The New York Times Parenting page.
Is technology dominating your family’s time? I offer some help in “Parent-By-Numbers: How to Develop Family Tech-Life Balance” at City Dads Group. Based on the many shares, it’s a common problem!
Teaching your teen to drive? There are some maps no technology can replace. Find out more in my post at Your Teen Magazine.
“You will NOT stab your father!” Find out what led to this outburst in my alarming post about family bloopers at City Dads Group.
I’m honored that “Raising Teen Daughters, Defining Boundaries in the #MeToo Era” was included in the Best of the Year Writing at City Dads Group!
Need some laughs? You might enjoy my first post at Grown & Flown in which a fellow stay-at-home dad and I reflect on the lighter moments of dropping our firstborn daughters off at college.
We need an emotional growth chart for parents. Find out why in my post at City Dads Group. My thanks to Houston New Moms for featuring the post on their website!
What can men, especially dads, do to help combat sexual misconduct in our culture? I weigh in at City Dads Group. Thanks for the many shares!
In “Directed by My Daughter,” I explore our culture’s need for more female filmmakers (and my personal need for more creepy props).
You might get some laughs from my post at City Dads Group on the ethics of public breastfeeding. (Yes, I went there.)
My post titled “What Camping Teaches About Gender Roles” did not sit well with at least one of my readers. (Be sure to read the first two comments!)
Can a lemonade stand be sexist? You might enjoy “Is Your Kid’s Lemonade Stand Teaching Financial Sexism?” at City Dads Group. My post became a recommended link in The New York Times Well Family newsletter.
I was excited to win the “Best Parenting Advice in 6 Words” Contest at The New York Times! My winning entry: “You’re gonna need a bigger wipe.”
“Dad, isn’t that ‘Men Working’ sign sexist?” My response appeared at Take the Lead Women, inspired some heartfelt comments, and was then reprinted at Role Reboot. See “‘Men Working’ vs. ‘Women’s Work’: A Father-Daughter Story”